What are good changes?

02.04.2022 Off By Don

Those who, like the Japanese, are afraid of change, sometimes want to object: stability, after all, it also happens differently and is not always to our advantage. It’s good when you can see a beautiful sunset from the spacious veranda of the mansion with the invariably warm gentle sea, and beautiful fruit-bearing palm trees, with which you don’t always need to take care of food! And it’s a completely different matter when everything steadily rises in price and is constantly “loaded” at work…

And if, for example, your feet are still cold from the cold, and an endless flow is planned from your nose? Our country is northern! Constantly and for a long time northern. For a long time, after all, scientists have threatened that the poles should change, but they are stuck in their places, stably stuck, like on a globe! And there is no smell of global warming.

And what to do now, what can, if not save, then temporarily please citizens and women in such a situation?

That’s right! Complete and meaningful vacation! After all, fortunately, vacations have not yet been canceled, although everything is the same in this, regardless of retirement age!

It would be nice to go somewhere, where the sea is warm… Where are palm trees… Where bananas are not fodder and other differences…

To Mallorca, for example, or, at worst, closer to the Turkish coast. We will temporarily lift pride for ourselves: we need it, and the shore, and vacation …

But according to our harsh northern reality, it is impossible to raise funds for Mallorca. Well, it’s not stable! Neither me nor Venya, my old friend, with whom we discussed this problem.

Then the grandchildren will tell you to go to the circus or somewhere else, and there all sorts of cotton candy and other sweets. That warm socks, again, you need to buy for the winter, so that it doesn’t run out of your nose at all. After all, it is clear to everyone – what to me, what to Vienna!

And then Venya told how pleased he was recently with someone’s bold local initiative. Remained, he says, in our country philanthropy and concern for everyone and everyone. All the insidious foreign enemies and a few, but harmful internal ill-wishers lie.

He recently went into a large supermarket and sees – a sort of zone of calm and solid positive. And a benevolent inscription: “Here you can relax!”

And this is not in a travel agency with “last minute trips”! Of course, there is no sea and seagulls, but there is a real palm tree in the tub. And the seagulls are not needed for nothing. Eternally hungry, they not only beg you for food, but also brazenly steal from your hands. And at the same time, they shit on you later from above, from the skies, like the bosses sometimes.

I, he says, immediately occupied this place with an exclusive inscription, as soon as I spotted it. The main thing is that there are no competitors. But no one was going to encroach on my place under the palm tree. It seems that our people have completely forgotten how to read, they have forgotten all the letters. Only numbers are remembered, perceived on price tags. And even then when they do not flicker, periodically changing in a certain direction. Or they simply stopped believing what was written a long time ago, having seen plenty of street slogans in their time …

It doesn’t matter… The main thing is that now it has become clear to him where he can rest stably, constantly and, most importantly, on a budget!

It would be nice to “stake out” the territory, so that no one particularly claims this place. And then after all, all sorts of people will “come in large numbers” and begin to rest and who is not too lazy. I wanted to scribble something on the trunk of a palm tree with a name and date, but I felt sorry for the tree, I got used to it, became related to it during these five minutes of sitting, and I haven’t come up with the text yet. You need to write something beautiful, because any public will walk by, with children, and there are especially impressionable ladies. And Venya hasn’t read any books for a long time, he forgot a little great literature.

And it’s okay that this place is located between the bakery department and household goods. But there are not so many people in this nook, they will not interfere with rest.

And with time, he thought, changes for the better will come. Stability after all the present all the same you will not wait. Nowhere – neither in the “average temperature in the hospital”, nor in trade, by the way, either.

And if so, then in any case, someday things in this supermarket will go from bad to worse. What will the administration usually do? That’s right – start the permutation. First price tags, then employees and counters with goods.

Whether you like it or not, after a while, Venino’s place “for relaxation” will first be located next to the sausage department, and then to the wine and vodka department, with its suffering visitors and amateur aesthetes. Not far off, the neighborhood can happen even with the confectionery department. This is where life will boil, because the girls are so fond of any ice cream cake! Where is this boredom in the Maldives or among the Turks?

That’s when life will sparkle with all the colors of the rainbow and the rest will become unforgettable! And after a good rest with private initiative and business, it will be possible to turn around! There will be a lot of people who want to relax on a budget at once, the country
after all, it’s big!

The main thing is to keep the place for yourself and wait, and there everything will spin by itself. It will even be possible to exchange barter with each other for a while with the same locum tenens, and it will be very profitable to rent out part of the place under the palm tree temporarily.

What? Our country is harsh, northern! The increased survival rate only saves, and a keen eye, like Venya’s, to be the first to see the desired inscription! Read and comprehend.

Once again you are convinced that it was not in vain that you studied at school, although not always successfully and disciplined. It even becomes pleasant. Not episodically, but constantly, consistently, it is pleasant when you sit like this, as now, under a palm tree and think: “And why do we need this Mallorca, with our stability?”

Author: Vladimir Golubkov

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