What you don’t have to apologize for

21.04.2022 Off By Don

Here are 7 things you should never apologize for

Are you accustomed to consider yourself guilty before everyone? Do you apologize every chance you get? Here are 7 situations where you don’t need to apologize at all. Take advantage.

People who are empathic, fine-minded, or simply intelligent have a tendency to apologize to others even when it’s not necessary. When do you not have to apologize to others? Here are 7 things you need to know to ease your conscience. When not to apologize

1. Self care

We were taught from childhood that “the public is higher than the private,” that thinking about oneself is a manifestation of selfishness, and so on. For many, these postulates have taken root in the minds for life.

Is it true that natural and logical concern for oneself and one’s own good can be something shameful and unworthy? Here you can recall the elementary instinct of self-preservation to the place. If a person did not take care and did not worry about himself, he would not have survived in critical conditions.

2. Natural expression of emotions

We often think that tears or laughter are something indecent. But man is not a robot. And the expression of emotions is not some kind of vice. After all, we have a nervous system that reacts to all external influences. We are endowed with psyche and consciousness. Therefore, there is nothing to be ashamed of in the fact that vivid emotions can be expressed in appropriate situations.

3. Forgiveness

Not everyone is endowed with the ability to forgive. Yes, it may not be clear to someone that you extended a helping hand to the ill-wisher or did not take revenge, if possible, on someone for the offense. Listen to your heart, not others.

4. Beliefs

A person with strong convictions commands respect. Especially when he knows how to defend them fearlessly and firmly. So is it worth it to apologize for your principles and attitudes? Everyone has their own. And they can, of course, be different from strangers.

5. Otherness

Who said that we should be the same, standard, combed? A strange person is not bad at all. Well, what if he seems like that to someone? On the contrary, it leads to suspicion when a group of people looks and talks the same way. If you are not like everyone else, this does not mean that you are worse than others. Perhaps, on the contrary, you are better. And there is nothing to be ashamed of. And conformism will need to be learned
to resist.

6. How and with whom do you spend your free time

Time is our true wealth. It must be protected, properly disposed of and not wasted. Why are we obliged to spend this resource, looking back at the opinions of strangers? Life passes. And the only thing that most of us will regret in old age is that we traveled little, worked hard and did not devote enough time to friends and family.

7. Failure

This is a champion phobia. Do you know the fear that you will try to do something, you will fail and everyone around you will mock you? This imaginary shame and memories of it will poison your life and bring you many unpleasant moments. Now imagine: you are a person who did, but failed. The other was afraid to even try. And which one of you should apologize?

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