About infantile people

08.04.2022 Off By Don

How to get rid of someone who is trying to take advantage of you

Many people, deep down, want most of all that others treat them like little children: their mistakes and mistakes were perceived as a childish prank and, at worst, they could affectionately scold, and at best, not notice at all that someone -something nearby did an unthinkable garbage; and their slightest positive changes were treated as the greatest feats of heroes of all time. However, it is precisely this attitude towards people, parental touching indulgence, that is the most disrespectful attitude towards a person and the potential of his spirit.

Most of us did not have an initiation when we consciously said goodbye to the role of a pink baby and once and for all assumed the courage and responsibility to be an adult, and some of us carry the longing and pain of endless regret for the lost carelessness and thirst for eternal maternal love, while others do their best to pretend that childhood is not over.

About infantile people

The love of a psychological baby is “I want to eat you, you are very tasty, I really like you.” And if you resist, then he is very surprised: “How??! I like you! How can YOU not like that I like you? Don’t you need MY love? HOW”

The fact that he eats you is not obvious to him, because for him only his needs exist: he tastes good, so everyone should be glad that he tastes good. That is, when it is a baby, it is natural for its age, but when 30-40 year old men and women are mental retardation.

Three working ways to get rid of a person who is trying to use you:

1. Let him know that you are stupid, incompetent, powerless and useless to him. That is, inedible.

2. To overwhelm him with your benefit so that he vomits – quickly, voluminously, actively. If he gets poisoned, he will never want to ask you for help again.

3. Do not respond to messages and calls, do not enter into any relationship or dialogue with him.

Very many people who fail to identify their own needs and CLEARLY state them to others tend to accuse others of being repressed and forced to live by their rules. And these are the main signs by which an infantile person can be identified – he DOES NOT KNOW himself and BLAMES others for this. Then others are evil tyrants for him, and he is a victim.

Psychological children masturbate to their needs and feelings: “Ah, I have feelings, and you should all know about it!”

If they grow up a little, they learn to understand that others have exactly the same freedom, and that in order for their feelings to be taken into account, they will have to take into account the feelings of others. But, since this thought is still difficult for them to digest, they begin to bargain “first you give in to me, and then, so be it, I’ll give you”, and control that, God forbid, the partner does not allow himself to go beyond this contract for any millimeter. That is, kindergarten continues.

If they still manage to grow up, they begin to understand that their feelings are solely their own business, and they are not intended to be used in the manipulation of the outside world. Their purpose is orientation in the world, not influence on the world.

And then you have to choose another way to interact with people – to treat others as they want to be treated themselves; quickly understand whether such an organization of relations as cooperation is available to another, and conclude whether to continue contact; make the decision to refuse contact if it is not nutritious, and not force the other to reject oneself; to cope with your own emotions, and not to force others to bring yourself to life, that is, to regulate yourself; and more.

I have two reasons not to like childish people.

First of all, I hate that they take time from those who are busy with business. When they are their own children in childhood is one thing, but when they are underdeveloped adults, it is quite another. And if even your own
children can be very tiring, then what can we say about other people’s adults.

Secondly, I feel more sorry for humanity as a species than individual people, because if the era of infantilism continues for even a few more years, we will destroy the climate on this planet and each other. We have a very clear environmental deadline – the Gulf Stream has already been destroyed, the Arctic has melted, and we are engaged in clarifying our self-esteem at the international level, and who deserves more, killing ourselves and the planet. And this international crisis reflects what goes on in the minds of most people: irresponsibility and promiscuity.

I have a daughter, and if my life is almost half lived by standard standards, then she still has to live, and I would like her and her future children to be able to live well on this planet. Therefore, I care about who surrounds them and care about what happens to the planet.

Author Nina Rubshtein

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